
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Endorphins, Goals, and Staying Healthy and Happy!


I'm totes gonna pass out in the middle of this post, so if I start rambling and not making sense, just bear with me :)  

So I L.O.V.E my Nike Fuel Band, I just wish I didn't make such expensive impulse purchases; thattttt should probably be addressed to my psychologist before I end up on Hoarders. But in all honesty, the Fuel Band rocks my world.  On my good days I don't find it hard to make my way to the gym to workout or stay active in general, but the Fuel Band really just pushes me past my limits.  My goal for today/yesterday (Friday) was 6,000 because I knew it was my long run day.  Fridays are also my longg day of classes/exams so meeting my goal could have been iffy, BUTTTTT I got my butt to the gym, hit the treadmill and I felt fantastic.  

I easily hit my goal of 6,000 by about 8:15ish and at around 11:15, checked my Fuel and realized I was at approx 6,455, SO of course being that close to 7000, there was no way I wasn't making it within 45 minutes.  I began running the steps in the house and VOILAAAAA.....

I went above and beyond my goal.  This is what is great about the Fuel Band,  it keeps you challenging yourself.  

No matter who you are, whether it be a sedentary individual, an individual who is looking to increase their physical activity, or an ultra-marathoner; the Fuel Band will seriously get you moving!  This is a great way to set small goals and progress towards achieving larger ones!  It is not a cheap product, ~$160 after tax online, if you become a member, but think about it this way; would you rather get moving by spending $160 or lay in a  hospital bed  for BIG $$$$ p/day as a result of a cardiovascular disease or diabetes because you didn't believe you could find the motivation and determination to be physically active and prevent these diseases affecting our population?
Each one of us has the potential inside to be that person we want to be.  Remember, OVERCOME YOURSELF (O.Y.!) and get moving, physically or mentally! 

BABY STEPS ARE STILL STEPS IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!  Don't let your mind stop you from doing what you are fully capable of doing.  However, DO NOT push yourself to fast either.  You will either end up injuring yourself and delaying your progress [this is coming directly from a Student Physical Therapist so take it for what it's worth!! :) ] or you may become discouraged as a result of not making the progress to want to see.   ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY! I can't stress the important of taking your time!  Mentally and physically, it is to your benefit, just please give it a try!!  
When things were beginning to hit rock bottom for me you know what I did?  I cried and layed around and refused to talk to anyone really, but despite all of that, I went for a run along Lake Shore Drive.  I was out of condition and definitely felt it the next day, but you know where that run led me?  That run led me to training for a 10k, (~2 weeks from that day) which I completed in 1:04:15?  (Chitown Half Marathon and 10k) I ended up joining my Physical Therapy classes intramural softball team, and that ONE run in the middle of all my problems has also lead me to the 3 events that I CURRENTLY have planned for this summer; however, I need to incorporate more into June for less off time!  

What I'm getting at is that exercise releases endogenous opiates, AKA, endorphins.  These endorphins (naturally occurring hormones in the body) in turn make us feel happier by playing on substances that inhibit or stimulate neurotransmitters to our brain.  Whether or not my increased participation in physical activity has been a key role in helping me work through my anxiety or not is beyond me, but I do know that I have been much much happier lately.  This is why it is so sooo important to stay active, PREVENTION is key!  

So here is what I recommend, I am BY NO MEANS an expert in any subject, so take my knowledge that I've obtained through experience and from school and do with it what you will.  But what I want you to do is to just take at least 2 hours out of your day tomorrow (REALISTICALLY, I know this may be hard to do, so please, at least 45 mins-1 hour) and for part of that time, as Mack and Casstevens mention in their book, 'Mind Gym,' meditate upon how you see yourself, what do you want to do?  Do you want to run your first 5k, or spend more than 10 minutes on the elliptical without getting winded, or do you want to figure out your educational/occupational goals, or do you wish you could stand in front of a group and present knowledge that you have researched to them? The possibilities of what you can do and how you need to do them are endless, it's all just a matter of getting them done, and YOU are in charge of that. 
----- Reflect upon those things, write them, day dream about them, constantly, (but not obsessively) keep them in your mind.  Reflect on the positives and knowing that YOU CAN achieve whatever they are.  It is all about overcoming the negative  image and idea that you have painted in your mind.  NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, you just need to figure out what YOU need to do and how you can accomplish them. 

----- Next, after picturing yourself doing these things in a positive light, GO OUT AND GET THEM DONE!  Spend a 45 minutes gardening, hiking, playing tennis, or just going for a brisk walk.  Your brain needs these neurotransmitters to fire properly and you are in charge of that!  Like I said, it will take time, but it is worth it.  Don't let the fear of failure stop you from YOUR SUCCESS!  

(Positive mental imaging technique/exercise was originally from a chapter within 'Mind Gym.')

Also, here is some text I found on Endorphins to help you further understand how your mental and physical health can benefit just from getting your daily exercise:  
My eyes are drooping and I am turning into one sleeeeeppy girl sooo I think it is time to go before my sentences turn into a game of scrabble!
Wishing you all a happy Saturday!

With Love and Gratitude---

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